Transform Your Smile With The Help of a Local Dentist

Visiting your local dentist can now be an enjoyable experience and thanks to advances in modern dentistry and cosmetic trends, patients can look forward to choosing from a range of dental solutions offering life-changing results. Modern dentistry has come a long way over the years and today patients can look forward to enjoying a variety of treatments from general dentistry to advanced orthodontics and dental implants to facial aesthetics. For those hoping to freeze time and reverse the signs of ageing, some dental practitioners even offer a range of facial aesthetic solutions so you can opt for fillers in the treatment rooms. 

Look after your oral health through regular dentist visits 
Did you know one of the best ways to enjoy great levels of oral health is through regular checkups with your dentist Soho? In addition to daily flossing and brushing your teeth, it’s a great way to ensure there are no signs of infection and that your teeth and gums are in good condition. 

Experience an improved smile thanks to Invisalign orthodontics 
If you’re looking to improve on the appearance of your smile and would like to correct misaligned or crooked teeth Invisalign may be an ideal solution for you. These clear aligners offer a natural looking alternative to traditional metal braces as they are clean in colour and are barely visible during wear. They function in a similar way and help to gradually straighten your teeth over time during your treatment period so you can enjoy a glowing smile in just a few months. Another great benefit of choosing Invisalign is that it is customised for each patient based on their particular specs so the aligner trays fit comfortably and produce impressive results. In addition, patients can look forward to enjoying improved digestion thanks to the help of Invisalign. Ideally your stomach requires small particles of food in order to effectively digest it following a meal. If a patient has crooked or missing teeth, they may experience difficulty in biting their food into smaller pieces and will be inclined to swallow larger particles of food. This in turn will slow down digestion and may result in the patient experiencing a variety of symptoms as a result. Thanks to orthodontics, the patient is able to create smaller pieces of food which can be digested effectively causing improved levels of oral health and general health overall. 

Transform the colour of your teeth through professional teeth whitening 
For those patients who are looking to transform the state of their smile by simply improving the colour of their teeth, professional teeth whitening may be ideal for you. This involves a professional clean in addition to the whitening process and the results vary from patient to patient depending on their preferences. Professional teeth whitening is effective when looking to target visible stains that are unable to be treated through normal teeth brushing. It can also help with teeth discoloration so you can enjoy a glowing smile. The great news is that this procedure requires no downtime, you won’t have to worry about experiencing any major discomfort or pain and the results can be seen immediately following treatment.