When you have had an oral implant fitted, or even a set of implants, you will need to know how to care for them. This is not only to reduce the chances of infection. It will also reduce any issues that can occur relating to the implant fusing correctly and will also promote better longevity from this treatment. Which is what you want! The aftercare of an oral implant is easier when the prostheses are fitted, around 3 to 6 months post-surgery. But how do you care for them during this interim? Those first few weeks are vital to keeping the implant in good condition and luckily, the aftercare in this period is not too difficult! Here are some top tips in caring for your dental implants Melbourne during the first few weeks post-fitting.
As odd as it sounds, the best way to keep your implant site clean is to not brush it. At least until the inflammation of your gums has gone down. Instead, rinse the implant site with lukewarm salt water to remove food debris and control swelling.
Food and drink
You are recovering from surgery, so you will probably need to up your calorie intake to help with the healing process. But rather than binging on heavy, fatty foods, aim to consume softer, healthier foods, like boiled vegetables and fruits. Soups are great when you are recovering from oral implant surgery. Aim to only drink water or fruit juices, and of course, avoid eating any foods that are hard or sticky, as these can create issues with your oral implant becoming loose.
Oral implants should not be excessively uncomfortable. But in the days following the procedure, you may experience something akin to bruising and soreness in your mouth. This is normal, but if you need to take pain relief aim to take paracetamol. Try to avoid ibuprofen and aspirin; both of these are blood thinners and can worsen any bruising that you may have after your surgery.
In the weeks following the fitting of your oral implants, you will need to see your dentist a few times. This is to check that there are no issues with the oral implant and to ensure that you are maintaining it correctly. Please aim to keep these appointments. They can mean the difference between a successfully fused implant and a lost one.
In reality, your dentist cannot ban you from smoking. But in the period following the fitting of an oral implant, smoking or indeed, excessive drinking is extremely unwise. Drinking alcohol to excess has been linked to a wealth of oral health issues, including gum disease. Which is not something you want when you have had an oral implant fitted. Similarly, smoking can expose your mouth and the now delicate tissues around your oral implant to an array of toxic gasses and chemicals, which can heighten the chance of infection and promote secondary complications like gum disease. If you need help giving up smoking prior to having implants fitted, then seek out guidance from your dental team.