Want to have oral implants fitted but are unsure if you are a suitable candidate? Many adults who have missing teeth are suitable for this procedure and often, the surgery and aftercare/recovery goes well without a hitch. But, sadly, there are some instances in which a person is simply not a good match for having a dental implant near Melbourne. So, what makes someone an ideal candidate for having oral implants fitted? Read on to find out!
Over 18 years of age
OK, this goes without saying, that to have oral implants you need to be over 18 years old. This is not only for legal reasons, but because to have implants that fuse successfully to the jaw, the patient has to have fully developed bone tissue, which is usually seen in people over 18. If your dentist discovers that your bone tissue has not fully developed at this age, there will be delays in having the treatment completed.
Good oral health
While oral implants are used to replace teeth that have been lost to decay or injury, before you have the procedure performed, your dentist will need to check that your oral health is generally in good condition. If you have any cavities, loose teeth or gum disease, this will need to be treated before you can have the implant fitted. In the event you have gum disease, this can cause any newly fitted implant to fail, as the inflammation will prevent fusion to the jaw. If there is decay, the accumulated plaque will need removing to prevent inflammation and of course, to prevent infection. It is always best to be proactive with such things!
Good physical health
There are some exclusion criteria in relation to oral implants, but these should always be discussed further with your dentist and your doctor. Typically, conditions like osteoporosis can exclude you from having oral implants fitted but there may be some wiggle room based on how the disorder is responding to treatment. Also, if you take medication for blood disorders or autoimmune conditions, talk to your dentist and doctor about the interaction that they may have with any post-implant healing.
We all know smoking is bad, but when it comes to oral implants, it can wreak havoc. It can allow the gums to swell or recede and has been linked in countless studies to gum disease. If you want to have oral implants fitted but are a smoker, you should seek out help from a smoking cessation service.
Technically, you can have oral implants fitted if you consume alcohol occasionally. And while your dentist cannot refuse to fit oral implants if you do drink regularly, it is wise to avoid alcohol when you have had them fitted. Why? Because alcohol causes inflammation of the gums and can also lead to gum disease, which is linked to implant failure. So, to ensure your implants have a long life, it may be wise to cut out regular drinking.
Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.