Title: Which Cities Have the Worst Tooth Decay in England?

Despite vast improvements in dental care and education over the past fifty years, there are still pockets of the UK that suffer from cases of tooth decay. Both children and adults are neglecting their teeth, resulting in cracked and broken teeth, extractions, and fillings. Sugary foods and drinks are the culprits mostly to blame, and children as young as four are being seen by dentists for treatments associated with tooth decay. Discover which UK cities are guilty of neglecting their dental care and which locations have improved. 

Approximately seven years ago Leicester was reputed to be home to the children with the worst teeth in the entire country. Over half of children five years and under had dental problems. It was decided that drastic action was needed and the “Healthy Teeth, Happy Smiles” initiative was introduced in nursery schools. This programme educated children and parents in the importance of brushing children’s teeth and avoiding sugary food and drinks. Pre-school age children are supervised by nursery staff as they brush their teeth with free toothbrushes and toothpaste supplied by the via the initiative. This early intervention has already improved the city’s oral hygiene status and a 2015 report revealed that there has been an 8% reduction in tooth decay in the region. 

A 2017 report published in the British Dental Journal stated that more than £200,000 per year is being spent by the NHS on tooth extraction aftercare for children in Southampton. Children with extreme tooth decay are needing to have their teeth extracted under general anaesthetic which leads to the young patients needing significant aftercare in hospital. Many adults in the region are also suffering from poor dental health and as it is recorded as occurring in the more deprived areas of Southampton, dental implants via cosmetic dental care may not be an option for those that undergo extraction of several teeth. 

Greater Manchester 
The North West is one of the worst areas when it comes to tooth decay. According to an article published in The Manchester Evening News, children in Greater Manchester are twice as likely to undergo tooth extraction because of tooth decay compared with anywhere else in the UK. Again, it is children under the age of five that are attending dentists with tooth decay, with poor dental hygiene and ignorance thought to be to blame. The areas thought to have the worst cases of tooth decay in the region are Bolton, Wigan, and Rochdale. Fizzy drinks sugary food and drinks have all been cited as causes of tooth decay and parents are being urged to avoid allowing their children to have any of these products. Many nurseries and schools 

For many children in the UK, including Manchester, Leicester and Southampton, dental implants, dentures and other prosthetics may be on the horizon when they become adults. Of course, cosmetic procedures are of benefit to adults that have suffered from dental difficulties, but parents are being urged by dental professionals to help prevent tooth decay in children so these options will not be required when their children are older.